Main Street Mayhem
Savannah had her first Trick or Treat experience this morning. Our Down Town area does an annual Trick or Treat through the stores so we headed down with some of our friends. (Note, Mermaid costume made with love by Grammy - Travis' mom) More Halloween pics to come, but I gotta get these up so Travis can see what we've been up to today while he's at work!
It took some training but after about 5 stores Savannah finally got the hang of what we were doing. It really is a confusing concept! Go in to the store, get some candy, say thanks, then go to another store. I have a feeling this will come back to bite me the next time I try to go shopping with Savannah down town!
And here's part of the crew : Max, Savannah, Chiarra, Maddy, and Callen
Our friend LeAnn's kids are all in school now, but it was really fun to have her come with us.
This is how she ended the morning. The skirt was great but it must have been slowing her down.