Please Pass the Pierces
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Charlie's BEST Birthday ever!
on December 29th Savannah told Charlie that he would have his BEST Birthday EVER! We figured that was probably pretty likely since it was his first one.
Some things Charlie is doing:
Saying "Mama" - which means "more"
Saying "Uh Oh"
Eating pretty much all kinds of foods
Drinking Whole Milk
Crawling up the stairs
Loves bath time with sister!
Plays ball.
We went to my parent's house for lunch. My mom signs everyone in our family up for this Birthday cake drawing with a local radio station and it's awesome because we almost always win! I think every person in our family had a free cake from HyVee on our birthday this year. And last year. Since Charlie is still working on blowing on things and when we tried it with Savannah on her first Bday, she grabbed the fire - we just let Savannah blow out his candle.
But little Bubs got his own cake! First Cake!!!
Do you think he enjoyed it?
He got some gifts too. I realized this year how hard it will be to separate his Birthday from Christmas. But since it was his first one, we were all just happy to celebrate. He loves this hammer toy. He plays with it a lot every day still. Actually, he just loves tools.
Posted by WendyPierce at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Christmas post 2013
Posted by WendyPierce at 7:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
freezer meals
- My friend Laura (also known as the Kitchen Tutor first turned me on to freezer meals about a month before Charlie was born. She assured me that in the last days of pregnancy I would appreciate it - and I did! I made all kinds of meals with her - about 12 I think. After Charlie was born we finished them off by alternating them with the food that people brought over. So I got out of a solid month and a half of cooking. When the freezer meals stopped at the same time people stopped bringing food I almost panicked. How do people cook with two kids around? So I made more freezer meals. I love having them on hand. I love giving them to new moms. I love knowing that if I totally get lazy or run out of food there is always SOMETHING. So another friend asked me a while ago to give her the run down on some of my favorites and here they are. All via Pinterest.
First - you must make and freeze cookie dough balls. Make dough, roll into balls, freeze on a cookie sheet and place into freezer bag. I use these to supplement paying babysitters 😊 And also to grab at 4pm to satisfy myself.Here: I LOVE the chicken curry on this one. Pretty sure I forgot the mango. That probably makes it cheaper to leave it out. I also never use chicken thighs, but that's just me. We are boneless skinless people. Healthy Mamma BBQ is okay, but you have to add some vinegar and sugar to it to make it decent, which makes it less healthy.'m pretty sure this was the first website I went to. I pretty much did what they said and it was good. I swap out chicken and beef for Fajitas a lot. I remember it all being pretty good. LOVES the worlds best chicken on this one. And if you do a cilantro lime / chicken taco one ever, just know that you're gonna want to add in cheese or sour cream or avocado when you dish it up. They are good but turn out a little dry. might be my all time favorite - I like the international foods I guess 😊 don't really make sandwiches and I don't do anything (besides meatballs) that you have to cook before you freeze. That kind of takes the easy out of it for me. If the chicken is turning out dry, just shred it and serve it with rice, or put cheese on it. Flank steak seems to be a good player. I keep a good stash of frozen veggies on hand too for sides.It's easiest to start with one of the "30 meals in 4 hours" kind of things. Just scale it back a bit if that seems crazy. But that might help you get the idea of what you're going for in a system for next time. Good luck!
Posted by WendyPierce at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Remember when Charlie started sleeping?
Remember when Charlie started sleeping well? Me neither.
Posted by WendyPierce at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Peacock Princess Dancer and Pajama Party
Posted by WendyPierce at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 18, 2013
My Journey into higher learning
I've been doing youth ministry at Cornerstone Church for almost 10 years, 6 of which I have been employed there part time. I love my job. I was once challenged to think through the kinds of things I am most fueled by and to think of my dream job in relation to that - what I came up with was Tour Guide! That's a kind of funny dream job - but when I think about what I do at Cornerstone, it's pretty similar. Through out my week I get to host people at our church at in our home. I get to teach them about things that I have learned and open their eyes to a new view. I get to solve problems here and there and I get to be a part of where we are going. Pretty amazing.
In the last few years Cornerstone has begun to offer Masters level theology classes. Many of the men I work with, and some of the woman have taken these classes and already received a Masters in Theology. Yay for them! It takes a lot of work to do something like that. Recently, it has been put in front of me that I too ought to consider taking these classes. There are several reasons that have been brought to my attention by co-workers, superiors, and Travis that I agree with and I'm not going to go into - but overall I am getting the feeling (spiritually and logically) that I will soon be enrolled in CLASSES! I am 32 years old. I have no undergrad degree. I have never liked school and even dropped out of Kindergarten for peat's sake! And here I am, about to take Masters level classes.
I've been working through some pretty significant insecurities the last few weeks. I wasn't aware that those were still laying around in the depth of my soul. I'm a ridiculously secure person over all. When I think of reading books and comprehending them and having a dead line and writing a paper…. I cry a little. Not always outwardly, but always in my heart. I am a terrible reader. I'm not illiterate. I just can't just read and get it. Not at all. Most adults I know can. They talk about the books they are reading for fun or entertainment or to better their parenting. I try. I do. But when it takes me 10 minutes to fight through 3 pages….. So here are some truths I've discovered about this:
Truth #1: Satan wants to kill and destroy me. He wants me to believe that I am Dummy McDummerson. He wants me to quit. To think that I cannot understand what others can and that I cannot do anything that is hard or would require something more than I personally can give. Satan wants nothing good for me and will do anything to bring me harm.
Truth #2: It is not up to Wendy Sue Pierce to figure out the key to understanding the depths of wisdom that explain the Word of God. That's the role of the Holy Spirit. I have no business worrying about how I will get myself to do something that only He can do in me.
Truth #3: I have a great husband who is willing to love and support me. Jesus is totally on my side and one way He has shown that is by giving me a husband, Travis Pierce, who is also on my side. He has already championed for me with encouragement and grace. In actuality - he is the student of the house and he would much rather be the one enrolled in a class of any kind. But by his servanthood and love for me and for what God is doing in and with my life - he's giving this to me.
So I'll keep you posted.
Back to school, back to school to prove to dad that I'm no fool.
- That's a movie quote for the older crowd - I don't actually have to prove anything to my dad. :)
Posted by WendyPierce at 11:36 AM 0 comments
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- WendyPierce
- I've been in Ames almost my whole life. Love it here. I've been a wife to Travis since 2002, and a momma to Savannah since 2008. Love it here. I've been following Jesus since 1998, and working hard in ministry ever since. Love it here.