Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Eat You Heart Out
Posted by WendyPierce at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 28, 2011
Road Triiiiip
We also had the luck of having lunch at McDonalds with our friends Clint and Miranda Robinson. We miss them. I'm glad they could meet us. I love that Savannah knows who they are even though they live almost 2 hours away now. Here she is being sassy at Micky Ds.
Oh yea, and she was running in Gap and hit her head on the wall divider. Pretty funny. I always laugh first, then react with concern when she does stuff like that. Is that okay? Well, it's how I am. She's fine. It just bruised. But she insisted on wearing this huge band aid for two days, now she's dealing with the rash the band aid caused. Oh well - gotta love Savannah Sue.
Posted by WendyPierce at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Here's all 3 girls in the tutu's that Grammy (Travis' mom) sent down for them. The girls pretty much played and played and played non stop for 3 days. It was cousin heaven.
Posted by WendyPierce at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Gown Upsy
Travis and Wendy Pierce done gone and grown up a little bit! Until today the most we've ever paid for a piece of furniture was 30 bucks. Since we have people over all the time, and really love for people to feel welcome and comfortable in our home, we saw buying a new couch a worthy expense for this year's tax refund. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you, the transformation.
The sectional is from the Redeckers outlet store in Boone. We actually paid for it a couple weeks ago and when we went to pick it up today we noticed they had jacked the price up. It felt good to know we'd gotten the better deal.
I also got to pick out a couple new pillows for the couch. For the record, has tons of pillows for pretty cheap and ways you can search through them without looking at every one. And they do "sight to store" delivery so you don't have to pay shipping. You just pay online, then go to the local Walmart to pick them up!
Posted by WendyPierce at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
This blog is VOID
Posted by WendyPierce at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Totally Glam...
After our play date (no photos, sorry) we went to the flower store to pick up our monthly FREE flower bouquet. Savannah loves the one day a month we go to the flower store. They always have new gifty type stuff for her to look at.
And after the flower store, we always go to the near by pet store. She likes to play with the puppies and look at the fist the most. This is actually a really fun FREE thing to do with kids.
Posted by WendyPierce at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Taming the Wild
1. Spanks. We believe that to spare the rod is to spoil the child. Early on we taught Savannah what it means to Obey and what happens when you do no Obey. If she does not obey she gets spanked on her bear bottom with a wooden spoon. Sounds harsh to some people, but it only takes a few spanks a week (most weeks) to keep her in line with what we want her to do, and usually what's best for her.
2. Whinning in her room only. If she is genuinely sad about something that we've enforced and feels the need to cry it out, she can go to her room and sit in a chair and cry about it. But we don't put up with crying fits out in the open to attract everyone's attention.
3. New Grocery store game. I got this one from our friend Ranel. When I take Savannah to the store I have her obey certain actions depending on the aisle. Some times she has to ride in the cart the whole aisle, sometimes she has to just walk and keep one hand on the cart, sometimes she can just walk freely, sometimes I have her hold my hand. By changing it up every aisle it keeps her from getting bored and causing pandaemonium and it also keeps me in control. SOMETIMES she gets a reward at the end of the visit (candy or a cereal she wants). But not every time.
So that's how we're rollin right now. She's one special kid!
Posted by WendyPierce at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Coconut Rum Cupcakes
So I made these awesome coconut rum cupcakes last night with Jasey. They are super light and fluffy and really "grown up". First we blended everything together in my Ninja - I'm going to blog all about the Ninja as soon as I figure out some more things I can do with it. Just know, it's awesome.
I thought this was interesting too - before we frosted/glazed the cupcakes, we put this syrup on them. It kind of hardened before we put on the glaze and coconut.
My photo studio didn't work out so great since it was dark when we we got done with the cakes, and my kitchen is well lit with florescent bulbs, but you get the idea -
Posted by WendyPierce at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
Posted by WendyPierce at 8:24 PM 0 comments
and she's in...
I knew it would happen sooner or later. And I'm hoping she wasn't the first........
Yesterday I had a few things going on at church, which meant that Savannah had to put in extra hours playing in her class at church and also just entertaining herself in the church foyer while I met with someone. She spends a lot of time at Cornerstone church and I'm always looking for ways to make it fun for her so she doesn't hate going out there. So I let her bring her Tricycle in. She had a blast following me around on it while I walked all over the building. I was starting to wish I could just have her ride behind me when I go to the grocery store. It would be awesome.
So anyway, what happened? We have this baptistry/water feature thing at our church. It's like an above ground little wishing well type thing with a bridge over it. All the kiddos love playing on it. A couple other kids were running around on it with her and yea, she fell in. I didn't see it but another kid acted it out for me. I guess she tripped. Pant and shoes were wet, but she was fine. I just knew it would happen one of these days - for those of you with kids at Cornerstone, you know what I'm talking about! At least no one was really around. Maybe this will prevent her from doing it on a Sunday when the whole church is watching.... probably not.
Posted by WendyPierce at 8:22 PM 0 comments
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- WendyPierce
- I've been in Ames almost my whole life. Love it here. I've been a wife to Travis since 2002, and a momma to Savannah since 2008. Love it here. I've been following Jesus since 1998, and working hard in ministry ever since. Love it here.