Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm over 30.

My 31st Birthday has come and gone now. Do I feel older? Yes. Why is it that it was during my 30th year that I discovered that I have arthritis in my knees? It probably doesn't help any that during my 30th year I became pregnant again and started falling asleep before 9pm and have gained weight.
Anyway, I had a great Birthday! Got to get breakfast with Travis and Savannah, which was followed by garage sale shopping! Then I had lunch with some co-workers, found a cheap pair of consignment maternity skinny jeans and got some nice gifts from my family. We ended the night out to dinner with 7 very enjoyable friends. Am I mid-aged now?

I got some "wrinkle serum" today.  I like it.  When I was 25 a friend of mine had just started selling beauty products and asked me if I'd started using "anti aging products" yet - I hadn't, but I guess prevention is the best medicine, or something like that :) 


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