Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Main Thing

Just got done reading this: 
The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney

Hand down - recommend it. 
It's one of those little hardcover books that's only like 100 pages.  The cover and size reminds me of the Prayer of Jabez and that Secrets of the Vineyard book, but this one is way better.  One of the best parts was that it only took me a week of reading here and there to get it read.  But here are some other bonuses: 

"The punishment He received was for you. His resurrection is proof that God accepted Jesus' sacrifice.  The sins of your past and the sins you just committed were all atoned for; you need carry their weight no more."

"On a daily basis we have two choices.  We can either listen to ourselves and our constantly changing feelings about circumstances, or we can talk to ourselves about the unchanging truth of who God is and what He's accomplished for us at the cross." 

There's also a who chapter devoted to practical ways to center your life around the cross.  It's great for anyone - new, old or non believers. So, what are you waiting for?


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