Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Update

It surely is spring time around here!  There is something about spring - probably the weather getting better so everyone doesn't want to kill themselves - that makes everyone super duper busy!  Including us.  Last weekend we had Anthem at church (an event where 1000 jr high, high school, and college kids come together to worship with songs mostly written by people at our church), then a little lunch with some 8th graders that will soon be in our ministry, then a student auction on Sunday, followed by a luncheon for our graduating Seniors and their families, followed by the usual connection group!  SheesH!

Some other high lights - Savannah is kind of finally getting potty training again.  She used the potty all week with only a few accidents!  I told her she can turn three when she learns to use the potty ALL THE TIME - so we might actually be right on track :)

This weekend we're having a garage sale.  Should be good.  Unload some junk we haven't used in years :)

I asked Savannah what's going on with her that I should write about and (we're at the City hall Play Gym) She wants everyone to know that she shared some balls with the baby.



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